The Reward Program
Instigated by the Parks and Wildlife Service, the Rewards Program is a means of indicating to volunteers that their work is valued and appreciated.
How to Qualify:
To qualify for a 'reward' volunteers must be registered with Parks and Wildlife Service as a volunteer. This is to ensure that Public Liability insurance is in place and also for statistical purposes. A Registration Form is available from this website at Information for Adoptee>Registration form for Volunteers. Click Here to go to form.
How to Gain Credits for Hours Worked:
Adoptees wishing to have their hours credited for the rewards program can either email [email protected] and they will receive a fillable form which can be completed in a matter of seconds and then submitted.
Or preferably, they can go to the Adoptees' Report page on this website complete the report and simply submit it. Click here Adoptee Report (V8) to download a fillable form - simply complete and submit it.
They will be collated and recorded and then forwarded to Parks and Wildlife Service.
Adoptees are urged to proceed in this manner so that not only will they be credited towards their personal rewards, but also the total hours of contribution to the Track by all adoptees can be totaled and used for grant application and statistical purposes.
Non-members of the Friends, or non-Adoptees can deal directly with Parks and Wildlife Service by contacting them at [email protected]
When to Submit Your Completed Form:
Volunteeers , whether they are Adoptees or not, may submit forms at any time showing the number of hours contribution that they have made. (Adoptees through the Friends as detailed above and non-Adoptees directly to DBCA) However, the actual rewards will only be issued by DBCA according to the times indicated on the table below.
Instigated by the Parks and Wildlife Service, the Rewards Program is a means of indicating to volunteers that their work is valued and appreciated.
How to Qualify:
To qualify for a 'reward' volunteers must be registered with Parks and Wildlife Service as a volunteer. This is to ensure that Public Liability insurance is in place and also for statistical purposes. A Registration Form is available from this website at Information for Adoptee>Registration form for Volunteers. Click Here to go to form.
How to Gain Credits for Hours Worked:
Adoptees wishing to have their hours credited for the rewards program can either email [email protected] and they will receive a fillable form which can be completed in a matter of seconds and then submitted.
Or preferably, they can go to the Adoptees' Report page on this website complete the report and simply submit it. Click here Adoptee Report (V8) to download a fillable form - simply complete and submit it.
They will be collated and recorded and then forwarded to Parks and Wildlife Service.
Adoptees are urged to proceed in this manner so that not only will they be credited towards their personal rewards, but also the total hours of contribution to the Track by all adoptees can be totaled and used for grant application and statistical purposes.
Non-members of the Friends, or non-Adoptees can deal directly with Parks and Wildlife Service by contacting them at [email protected]
When to Submit Your Completed Form:
Volunteeers , whether they are Adoptees or not, may submit forms at any time showing the number of hours contribution that they have made. (Adoptees through the Friends as detailed above and non-Adoptees directly to DBCA) However, the actual rewards will only be issued by DBCA according to the times indicated on the table below.
NB: each reward is issued only once each financial year (i.e. if you earn a reward in the first quarter you won’t receive it again in the next but you will be accruing hours towards the next level of reward if you continue volunteering).
Please be assured that any information submitted will not be shared with any third party other than Parks and Wildlife Service.