Guides to the Track.
The Cape to Cape Track Guide Book
(Ninth Edition)
These guidbooks have proved to be very popular with the first eight editions completely sold out. Their popularity is derived from their accuracy and detailed descriptions. Large scale contoured maps, photographs and descriptions of what is available to see, makes the Guide an excellent resource for walkers. Distances between various landmarks and way points are given.
The guide is ideal for navigation and interpretation and designed to easily fit into a back pack.
Scott, Jane & Forma, Ray: "The Cape to Cape Track Guide Book. (9th Edition)".Cape to Cape Publishing $25. ($22.50 for members). Feb 2019
(plus $6.00 P&H)
These products are available from the Friends - by using a downloaded order form, by clicking in the box below. (See bottom of page)

Find That Flower 3rd Edition
N0TE: This is the latest edition and was published in August 2020
A detailed description of some 300 species of plants that all occur along the Cape to Cape Track.. The flowers are arranged by colour for easy identification.
With excellent photography (including some close-ups) this book is an essential wildflower guide for the Southwest region.
Scott, Jane. "Find That Flower. (3rd Edition)" Cape to Cape Publishing, $20, ($18 for members) (Plus $6.00 P&H)

Walking Round in Circles
This field guide (now in its 4th Edition) describes 29 circuit walks a series of well described walks in close proximity to the Track. The walks have been carefully selected to ensure a variety of difficulties and lengths. The guide is well illustrated with accurate contour maps, many photographs and an insight into the natural history of the region.
The walks all finish at their starting point..
The cost is $25.00 ($22.50 members).($6.00 P&H)
Scott, Jane. "Walking Round in Circles (4th Edition)". Cape to Cape Publishing, 2017
To place order for any of the publications listed above: click on link below, print the form, complete then scan and email to [email protected]
Click here for non-members: non members order form:- fcct_order_form_non_members_october_2024.pdf
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