Adoptees and all other Registered Volunteers assisting with the Cape to Cape Track are required to access to find induction information, including Health and Safety, Code of Conduct, Volunteer Handbook, Cultural Awareness.
Adoptees taking work parties out on the Track should be aware that one member of the party must be nominated as Leader and this person must be a Registered Volunteer. They become responsible for seeing that the DPaW 208 is signed by all members of the party and that he/she signs the induction page. The Leader should retain the signed form.
Note for adoptees:
Form PWS205 is used when someone wishes to become a Registered Volunteer. It should be submitted for signing and passing on to DBCA [email protected] either Kevin Lange, Jane Scott or Jenny Kikeros at the Friends of the Cape to Cape Track, [email protected]
Form PWS208 is used on site on the day of the project. The first page is signed on individual lines by everyone in the work party. The second page is signed by Adoptee Leader once they have completed inducting non-registered members of their party
It should be retained by the Adoptee leader.
The Adoptee Leader acts as the Project Supervisor for the purpose of completing this form.
Note for adoptees:
Form PWS205 is used when someone wishes to become a Registered Volunteer. It should be submitted for signing and passing on to DBCA [email protected] either Kevin Lange, Jane Scott or Jenny Kikeros at the Friends of the Cape to Cape Track, [email protected]
Form PWS208 is used on site on the day of the project. The first page is signed on individual lines by everyone in the work party. The second page is signed by Adoptee Leader once they have completed inducting non-registered members of their party
It should be retained by the Adoptee leader.
The Adoptee Leader acts as the Project Supervisor for the purpose of completing this form.
A). Volunteering on the Track.
First - Join the Friends (link to ‘About the ‘Friends’ page). Receive newsletters, see what we do, how we work.
Things to do as a member:- come on our walks & other events, come to the AGM, help at outside events eg. marathon runs etc. (this helps us with fund-raising).
We’re always looking for (committed) volunteers. This is done by registering as a Volunteer with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS). Registration means that the volunteer has insurance cover and has been given as induction which includes safety considerations. It also means records (especially hours worked) of volunteer work can be collected and monitored, and volunteer work can be acknowledged via a DBCA Rewards Program.
Volunteer opportunities:
- being on a list for Busy Bees - no specific commitment, come if you can on particular dates as they come up
- adopting a track section. Only arises intermittently when a section becomes vacant, or an adoptee group ask for more help
- Arum Lily Blitz (NB. Doesn’t necessarily only involve Track adoptees - all helpers welcome). But requires specific induction as well as normal registration
- other specific jobs eg. helping with statistics, reading track counters, website management, looking after equipment.
NB. All the above opportunities first require DBCA registration (go to B below).
B) Volunteer Registration
1. Talk to a committee member. Either someone you may know or by contacting us on [email protected]
2. Members who wish to volunteer on a regular basis should fill in a PWS205 form, and have a full induction with designated Committee members.
As part of tthat induction you will be directed to the relevant information* on the DBCA website at:
Go to ‘Downloads'
* Health & Safety, Code of Conduct, Volunteer Handbook, Cultural Awareness and read prior to induction.
Members who may only want to help now & again should fill out a PWS208 form on the day, along with a brief induction for the day.
3. New adoptees will receive information specific to The Friends:
- Appropriate ‘Friends’ contacts - email / phone
- Ranger contact details
- Importance of reporting, via Adoptees Report (including names of registered helpers). These are vital for our records, which are sent to the DBCA Volunteer Coordination Unit in Perth. If a registered volunteer has not sent in any reports for 3 years, they are deleted from DBCA’s list, and would need to re-register in order to continue.